Org-roam graphing

Org-roam graphing


How to make the graphs look better

With the Graphviz-based org-roam-graph

  • Issue: I got an ultra-wide canvas and it's unusable!
    • You have too few connections. Make your notes more interconnected.
    • Impose a maximum width on Graphviz output
      • It's supposed to be possible and I don't know why org-roam-graph doesn't do it by default

With org-roam-ui

  • Tag "everything-nodes" so the grapher can ignore them
  • If you tag undeveloped notes with something like :stub:, you can give them a special color in org-roam-ui
  • Buggy discovery of backlinks … check issues tracker
  • For publishing to a simple blog on Jekyll/Wordpress/etc, don't be shy to just show screenshots of it as a stopgap measure

What links here

  • Publishing Org-roam notes
Created (3 years ago)