Note Links Words Created
Firefox user.js mysteriously not being parsed?1842025-01-16
Mod Sunless Sea for a faster-turning ship11752025-01-15
track-back meditation33772024-11-25
Truth To Materials1722024-11-24
Worth solving3882024-11-24
Sortes vergilianae55282024-11-24
How to Downgrade/Rollback an Emacs Package116732024-11-01
In what order does Emacs handle simultaneous process sentinels?31662024-10-28
Share flashcards not for copying, but as inspiration11382024-10-23
unread library effect2102024-10-22
super-long walk21052024-10-20
Magit: push tag and commit simultaneously22672024-09-18
True destructive pop?13132024-09-11
Proposal: Make Org-mode fast for real67772024-08-17
Don't expand-file-name, just error11192024-08-12
Taking ownership of org-id37212024-04-21
Svelte: Redirect to new page ID12722024-03-29
Nested notes enable folgezettel (note-sequences)62582024-03-22
Is that function autoloaded yet?1962024-03-16
Smart tabs in 202433092024-03-16
The old internet1692024-03-14
Watch the timer-list work in realtime11602024-03-12
Inner-simulator prompts83722024-03-10
Delusion of agency126752024-03-09
Unlocking what the subconscious knows101672024-03-07
How to talk to someone with ADHD11892024-03-04
Lonely? Do not broadcast, and do not consume broadcasts51252024-02-29
Get curious about the Hyperbole prompt23442024-02-20
How long page-IDs?12102024-02-19
URLs are a user interface11102024-02-19
Invisible browser tabs get rid of the problem21562024-02-19
Organizing Emacs initfiles32502024-02-18
TOML as default, YAML when you know you need it11272024-02-17
Do recruiters do anything useful?1222024-02-07
Using KMonad with an unidentifiable Bluetooth keyboard11762023-11-12
cl-loop beats map-keymap210122023-11-06
Garden-path sentences32542023-10-23
Design of this website67712023-10-15
The same cause underlies both the availability heuristic and the conjunction fallacy22682023-10-12
Org-roam fixes517712023-10-10
Task constipation62542023-10-06
CSS-only theme switcher11462023-10-05
Base-62 conversion in Emacs-Lisp45222023-09-23
Guide: Show tags as a helpful hint in all Anki cards2942023-09-20
Replacing Guilt4379182023-09-11
"Is that Linux?"11772023-09-03
Basic LDR checklist21512023-09-03
Alternatives to beauty-based compliments32072023-08-28
Body neutrality31222023-08-28
Bring the real you to the relationship52202023-07-21
Separate observation from judgment3552023-07-21
Re-approach the small things in your partner that bother you31212023-07-21
Schedule "fights"/check-ins31792023-07-21
Notable Emacs news35942023-05-31
Feminism as a practice-case for rationality23052023-05-19
Antoine Lavoisier (1743–1794)23412023-05-06
Handwriting at speed4352023-05-05
How to enact a robust exercise routine?14862023-05-05
Default to null22122023-05-03
How to know social progress was made?552023-05-02
Erwin Schrödinger (1887–1961)32052023-04-21
Carl von Linné (1707–1778)1252023-04-21
How I got started coding32522023-04-13
Questions hearing people ask me10332023-04-09
Cool Firefox addons131872023-04-03
Nice wikis3562023-03-14
Thin/slimline/"pizza box" gaming chassis157922023-03-08
Logseq as "org-roam mobile"626432023-03-04
Portal: Relationships4912442023-02-22
Losing items in recentf, org-id-locations? Run kill-emacs-hook periodically.13742023-02-03
Recent bugs, yet to be explained2352023-01-25
Science as curiosity-stopper63802023-01-17
Portal: Rationality819192023-01-17
Confirmation bias41382023-01-17
Discredited famous studies55072023-01-15
"But there's still a chance, right?"41822023-01-10
Corporations don't "evolve"33532023-01-10
Hollywood Rationality53282023-01-09
Follow blogs by people deep in each field, not news74602023-01-05
If you demand magic, magic won't help11322023-01-05
Nullius in verba43332023-01-04
Occam's Razor not some fuzzy rule of thumb1112762023-01-04
Sci-fi why?65102023-01-04
What's an ideal reasoner?34792023-01-04
Units named after people2472023-01-04
Examples of type error3252022-12-30
We believe everything we read52182022-12-30
Why do almost all species birth 50/50 males/females?11322022-12-30
Terminal values ≠ instrumental values1452022-12-30
Timeline of events133102022-12-28
All camps take the enemy's irrationality as a sign that their own is sane13872022-12-23
How to reverse the advice you hear?31142022-12-23
Asch's Conformity Experiment34492022-12-23
Taber & Lodge trainwreck drives the sophistication effect31812022-12-22
Flinch towards your belief's most painful weaknesses44402022-12-21
Aumann's agreement theorem32902022-12-21
Rationalization is irrational26242022-12-21
Truths are entangled, so lies are contagious2472022-12-20
"It's raining outside but I don't believe it is"22592022-12-20
Teaching as learning88962022-12-19
No one can feel a probability that small41932022-12-15
Thompson sampling11442022-12-15
Fiction I've read284672022-12-11
Nonfiction I've read307592022-12-11
To lose the root for the tree11132022-12-07
Book: Invisible Women21382022-12-06
Never clean your to-do list2692022-11-16
Minimalist Core Trick22042022-11-16
Help! I somehow never start using Embark!12202022-11-07
Imre Lakatos (1922–1974)54042022-11-06
Paul Feyerabend (1924–1994)33522022-11-06
Gorgias (483–375 BCE)4522022-11-06
Stimming hotkey22262022-10-24
Cognitive reframings152952022-10-20
Why cash?2102022-10-19
Fun Bible parts11072022-10-19
Never learn Bash21762022-10-18
When to remap keys at the Emacs level vs. the system level?1522022-10-18
You don't need to know about biases to debias52492022-10-16
Bias blind spot24822022-10-16
Think up two reasons how your starting judgment could be wrong11672022-10-16
Reversal test103802022-10-16
Reference class forecasting21692022-10-16
For every postulate, provide at least one gear34942022-10-16
Write predictions in advance3502022-10-05
Ontologically basic mental entities violate Occam's Razor21222022-10-05
Which knitting counter?32312022-10-05
How to feel shocked enough?95162022-10-05
How to be confused by fiction?44572022-10-05
Prosocial free software41462022-10-04
How to put in your own words something the source expressed perfectly?1812022-10-03
Strongest-link fallacy1962022-10-02
How to debias?101382022-10-02
Tobit regression22302022-10-02
Runs test1792022-10-02
Standard deviation12632022-10-02
Using the reMarkable, my unsophisticated way85702022-09-30
Availability heuristic84502022-09-27
Gendlin's Focusing2116552022-09-27
Always put numbers in context21832022-09-27
Leave a line of retreat21382022-09-27
The 2-4-6 game44332022-09-27
Nonstandard ways to cope with ADHD5834712022-09-26
Write, and edit later41572022-09-26
Taking notes is never a detour3492022-09-26
Comparing slipbox vs. flashcards57002022-09-26
The one who does the work does the learning21002022-09-26
Do one thing at a time21362022-09-26
Recognition is deceptive71722022-09-26
Portal: Slipbox10372022-09-26
The slipbox counters confirmation bias42632022-09-26
Experts look like they do it wrong11502022-09-26
Three kinds of slipbox notes33122022-09-26
Zeigarnik effect21702022-09-26
Slipbox pitfalls63852022-09-26
To think complex thoughts, you must write32412022-09-26
The slipbox confronts us with our lack of understanding61352022-09-26
Slipbox workflow3541552022-09-26
Portal: Martin171292022-09-25
Mandatory titles clash with Luhmann23442022-09-05
Book: So Good They Can't Ignore You16192022-09-05
How to reduce creepy-crawlies on your farm?2022022-08-10
Book: How to Take Smart Notes187602022-08-07
Effective altruism626972022-07-23
Machine learning vs expert system1762022-06-28
Rhetorical analysis111422022-05-29
Transient Mark is a nothing mode28592022-05-06
Book: Anthropic Bias835522022-04-23
Calming & Coping routine31422022-04-05
When is a model good?11142022-04-04
Public domain music22082022-04-02
Ledger CLI12232022-04-02
Frequentist "probability" means frequency14632022-04-02
Search engines1692022-04-02
What does Bayesian Evidence Synthesis not take into account?3562022-02-17
Trusting research45682022-02-17
The iatrogenics of having a model74312022-02-17
Reasoning about unknown reasoners4732022-02-17
Enthusiastically presenting your neck to the sword of truth34192022-02-14
The purpose of my personal wiki is Cruxiness62742022-02-14
Blog comments12212022-02-11
Debate scripts66092022-02-10
How to always have interesting conversations61992022-02-10
Prediction market1332022-02-09
Rationalism vs. empiricism4692022-02-05
Emacs on the phone22052022-02-03
The pronoun 'they'12652022-02-02
Communication cultures206182022-02-02
Simulacrum levels41272022-02-02
Org-roam is not that much technology24162022-02-02
TV-shows I've seen92422022-02-01
Movies I've seen128742022-02-01
Games I've played94382022-02-01
Ideological Turing Test31172022-01-31
Transparent language1414612022-01-31
Read easier textbooks2612022-01-30
Dismissive review31682022-01-30
List of my beliefs46902022-01-30
What is Going On?2482022-01-30
What is Memacs?23552022-01-28
Meditation vs introspection117982022-01-27
Subjective facts1010462022-01-26
Unscientific vs. ascientific2952022-01-26
Systematic review42032022-01-26
Epistemic injustice46312022-01-26
Observationally equivalent3622022-01-26
Theory-laden observation31822022-01-26
Wilful ignorance41372022-01-26
Double hermeneutic32532022-01-26
Communication problems2642022-01-26
Abductive reasoning21312022-01-26
Portal: History arcs144642022-01-26
History is not a science55012022-01-26
Science by press conference13982022-01-26
Dymaxion map1382022-01-25
Infographic posters68882022-01-25
Why Emacsify the OS?3332022-01-23
Cognitive science62712022-01-22
Unicycle vs. bicycle1912022-01-22
Sourcing bicycle parts1462022-01-21
Bullet journaling11442022-01-21
Identifying power law data2632022-01-19
Fat-tail distributions21472022-01-19
Linear city42792022-01-19
Getting things done82202022-01-19
Likelihood function3702022-01-19
Power law vs exponential12212022-01-19
Joint probability distribution21272022-01-19
The domain of rhetoric41912022-01-17
Septum artes liberales51302022-01-17
Knowledge production74602022-01-17
Computer science114572022-01-17
Three roads to mastery3432022-01-17
Hermeneutic vs heuristic rhetoric12922022-01-17
ADHD-friendly notetaking4992022-01-17
Adherence to a theory obscures reality12132022-01-13
Epistemic status41602022-01-13
Los Alamos7742022-01-12
Monte Carlo41052022-01-12
Science quality assurance129152022-01-10
Strange memecluster2210542022-01-10
Alternative Science Respectability Checklist52102022-01-10
Not completing my sentences5562022-01-10
Science fraud incentives102632022-01-10
Bees in my head5932022-01-09
Org-roam graphing31352022-01-09
Being told what to do14092022-01-09
Unit conversion2102022-01-09
Language processing93252022-01-09
Big History44312022-01-07
Website writing tips1916052022-01-06
Empirical Bayes1672022-01-05
Sensitivity analysis22742022-01-05
Bayesian structural time series21202022-01-05
Bayes factor12302022-01-05
Ensemble learning12392022-01-05
Figures of style38992022-01-05
Spike-and-slab regression1382022-01-05
Akaike Information Criterion21962022-01-04
Perceptually uniform colormap2872022-01-04
Potential of slipboxes64992022-01-04
Eighteen traditional fallacies1802022-01-02
Eshell as gymnasium26492021-09-16
Wayland vs. X1122492021-09-03
Keto recipes213602021-09-03
Time series analysis635872021-09-02
Golden ratio11262021-08-31
History of statistics278272021-08-30
Why do we resample?11312021-08-30
ANOVA vs regression313082021-08-30
Portal: Rhetoric96412021-08-30
The Garden and the Stream84742021-08-29
John Lennon's Imagine11262021-08-29
The Andrew Wakefield case41432021-08-29
Topic notes21612021-08-29
Periodic table33612021-08-28
Bicycle tires11912021-08-28
Geological eras49322021-08-28
On Autodidactism1312102021-08-28
Timeline of people born10210562021-08-27
What you can't say34162021-08-26
Emacs tips429662021-08-26
Logical positivism51702021-08-26
How to listen37912021-05-13
Magic Science310432021-04-18
Nutrition science69184222021-04-16
The unstoppable momentum of outdated science12862021-03-10
Emacs timer gotchas66362021-01-10
Pinch hitter syndrome1662020-11-19
Norman door2902020-11-17
To enumerate Mass Effect plot holes7682020-11-12
Stupid tricks to quickly learn Eshell and Dired56992020-04-23
What I'd tell past-me about houseplants11282020-04-15
Noob Guix' Checklist17682020-03-22
Eshell's unnamable quality25902020-02-01
Emacs gotchas420502019-03-01
Truncated data52742019-01-12
Running R in NixOS2562019-01-09
Book: What Is This Thing Called Science?961132018-08-01
Graphing should be automatic932018-01-05
Incremental writing36172017-12-17
Excerpts from Sacha Chua's Emacs Chats244552017-12-17
Giordano Bruno (1548–1600)3892017-12-16
Karl Popper (1902–1994)78352017-12-16
Plato (429–347 BCE)6822017-12-16
Gregor Mendel (1822–1884)41682017-12-16
Kurt Gödel (1906–1978)41672017-12-16
Dennis Lindley (1923–2013)5542017-12-16
John von Neumann (1903–1957)82042017-12-16
Andrew Gelman1462017-12-16
Heraclitus (535–475 BCE)4472017-12-16
Johannes Kepler (1571–1630)72352017-12-16
Karl Marx (1818–1883)31322017-12-16
Tycho Brahe (1546–1601)41252017-12-16
Diogenes of Sinope (412–323 BCE)3672017-12-16
Hypatia (360–415 CE)31292017-12-16
Aristarchos (310–230 BCE)5722017-12-16
Willard Van Orman Quine (1908–2000)64002017-12-16
Christopher Thomas Knight2422017-12-16
Ibn Sina (980–1037)3152017-12-16
Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749–1827)5412017-12-16
Empedocles (490–430 BCE)6492017-12-16
Galen (130–200 CE)63562017-12-16
Nassim Taleb85922017-12-16
Donald Knuth2392017-12-16
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829)61292017-12-16
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543)8542017-12-16
Ignaz Semmelweis (1818–1865)5942017-12-16
Robert Oppenheimer (1904–1967)3422017-12-16
Joseph Lister (1827–1912)4382017-12-16
Edward Jenner (1749–1797)31032017-12-16
Ada Lovelace (1816–1852)31142017-12-16
Galileo Galilei (1564–1642)52602017-12-16
Marcus Aurelius (121–180 CE)5722017-12-16
Johann Gutenberg (1394–1468)1342017-12-16
Jacob Bernoulli (1655–1705)5512017-12-16
Aristotle (384–322 BCE)5652017-12-16
Thomas Kuhn (1922–1996)31592017-12-16
Stanislaw Ulam (1909–1984)7762017-12-16
John Ioannidis3812017-12-16
René Descartes (1596–1650)111962017-12-16
Charles Darwin (1809–1882)144632017-12-16
Hippocrates (460–370 BCE)5482017-12-16
Katy Bowman7362017-12-16
Thales of Miletus41002017-12-16
Al-Khwarizmi (780–850 CE)2342017-12-16
Socrates (469–399 BCE)5712017-12-16
Demosthenes (384–322 BCE)1332017-12-16
George Box (1919–2013)31102017-12-16
Zeno of Citium (334–262 BCE)32072017-12-16
Leonhard Euler (1707–1783)41372017-12-16
John Tukey (1915–2000)32622017-12-16
Thomas Malthus (1766–1834)3392017-12-16
Francis Bacon (1561–1626)63562017-12-16
Andreas Vesalius (1514–1564)6532017-12-16
Democritus (460–370 BCE)3442017-12-16
Francis Galton (1822–1911)4632017-12-16
An Accidental Ode to MSWord Hotkeys212602017-12-02
Memorize memories of flashcards with flashcards26582017-03-22
Linear algebra720412016-11-17
Study technique3592016-01-01
Artifact: Boiled-Down Fallout 2 Handbook38142013-01-01