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Taking ownership of org-id


Let's say most of your Org files sit in a folder /home/kept/notes/ but some others are outside, scattered here and there, plus you'd like to try not depending on the handy org-roam-update-org-id-locations.

The challenges with org-id:

  1. The classic way to tell it where to look for IDs is adding the directories to org-agenda-files.
    • Unfortunately with thousands of files, this slows down the agenda something extreme. Not an option.
  2. An alternative way is to populate org-id-extra-files or org-agenda-text-search-extra-files.
    • See snippet A below. Unfortunately with thousands of files, this slows down M-x customize-group for either org-id or org-agenda, to a grinding halt.
  3. To sidestep the small problem with #2, you could trust in org-id to keep itself updated, because it does that every time your Emacs creates or searches for an ID. You regenerate org-id-locations once (or well, once every time you wipe .emacs.d). See snippets B or C.
  4. org-id complains about duplicate IDs because it's also looking in e.g. the versioned backups generated by Logseq
    • So, you need some sort of exclusion ruleset.
      • For an elisp-only way, see snippets A or B.
      • A natural way is to obey .ignore or .gitignore, if you already keep such files. I've found no elisp gitignore parser, but see snippet C for a way to use ripgrep's builtin parser.
    • Why org-roam didn't give you this problem? If I'm reading the source code right, it has actually been suppressing org-id errors!

Snippet A

;; Populate `org-id-extra-files'
(dolist (file (mapcan (lambda (dir)
                        (directory-files-recursively dir "\\.org$"))
                      '(;; Example values
  (or (string-search "/logseq/bak/" file)
      (string-search "/logseq/version-files/" file)
      (push file org-id-extra-files)))

;; Then either run M-x org-id-update-id-locations or restart Emacs.

Snippet B

;; Populate org-id without setting `org-id-extra-files'.  Only do it if
;; `org-id-locations' is gone.
(when (or (and (not (file-exists-p org-id-locations-file))
               (null org-id-locations))
          (if (null org-id-locations)
            (if (listp org-id-locations)
                (null org-id-locations)
              (hash-table-empty-p org-id-locations))))
   (seq-remove (lambda (file)
                 (or (string-search "/logseq/bak/" file)
                     (string-search "/logseq/version-files/" file)))
               (mapcan (lambda (dir)
                         (directory-files-recursively dir "\\.org$"))
                       '(;; Example values

Snippet C

;; Populate org-id without setting `org-id-extra-files'. Only do it if
;; `org-id-locations' is gone.
(when (or (and (not (file-exists-p org-id-locations-file))
               (null org-id-locations))
          (if (null org-id-locations)
                   (if (listp org-id-locations)
                       (null org-id-locations)
                     (hash-table-empty-p org-id-locations))))
  (dolist (default-directory '(;; Example values
    ;; Borrow ripgrep's ability to obey .ignore/.gitignore
     (split-string (shell-command-to-string "rg -ilt org :ID:") "\n" t))

Bonus snippet: full reset

;; FOR TESTING: wipe all records
;; You ONLY need to wipe if it won't shut up about duplicates!
  (delete-file org-id-locations-file)
  (setq org-id-locations nil)
  (setq org-id--locations-checksum nil)
  (setq org-agenda-text-search-extra-files nil)
  (setq org-id-files nil)
  (setq org-id-extra-files nil))

Sudden amnesia

If your Emacs quits unexpectedly, it can forget many ID locations! To ensure it remembers, either use a hook like

(add-hook 'after-save-hook
 (defun my-save-id-soon ()
   (run-with-idle-timer 10 nil #'org-id-locations-save)))

or enable eager-state-preempt-kill-emacs-hook-mode from eager-state.

My final fix

Now I let org-node manage ID locations for me, via its user option org-node-extra-id-dirs.

Created (5 months ago)

Nested notes enable folgezettel (note-sequences)


The packages zk, orgrr and denote mandate the rule of "one note per file". So how do they do note-sequences?

Well. In orgrr, you'd manually give special IDs to notes that should be parts of sequences, and then use commands like orgrr-show-sequence to work with them.

In org-roam, which permits nested notes, you'd just have a series of headings in a single file… you know, a conventional org-mode file.

I like that better. You can export it to PDF or HTML. There are ways to isolate and export a subtree from one file, but it's not as convenient (yet) to tell Org to concatenate multiple whole files and export them as one.

I suppose zk/orgrr/denote users could use org-transclusion to get the same effect.

Multiple sequences?

Hm… the concept of orgrr-show-sequence has merit. Nesting org-roam nodes only gives you one sequence. What if you want a node to be part of several?

For example, say you have a node about Isaac Newton, which could be part of both a Philosophy sequence and a Math sequence.

Well, you could have a "Math" note that transcludes all other math notes, and a "Philosophy" note that transcludes all the philosophy notes. And that works whether you use orgrr or org-roam. But yea, org-roam's ability to nest nodes suddenly became less important.

Created (6 months ago)
Updated (5 months ago)

Svelte: Redirect to new page ID


  • that your website has page IDs in the sense of For example, you're probably seeing this very page at the address, so the ID is csbxq.
  • that you update the ID to use new algorithm, so now it's going to be 6uXpfOI2c9fJdh2aa22. Time to set up a redirect!

I'll assume your page's loader (the file you've got on a path like src/routes/[id]/[[slug]]/+page.js) contains this:

import { error } from '$sveltejs/kit'
import posts from '$lib/posts.json'

export function load({ params }) {
    let post = posts[]
    if (post) return post
    error(404, "Not found")

Edit that to something like this.

import { error, redirect } from '$sveltejs/kit'
import posts from '$lib/posts.json'
import v1_to_v2 from '$lib/v1_to_v2.json' // assumed a table of old and new ID

export function load({ params }) {
  let post = posts[]
  if (post) return post

  // Redirect from v1 to v2 id
  let idv2 = v1_to_v2[]
  if (idv2) redirect(308, `/${idv2}`)
  error(404, "Not found")

This assumes that navigating to just is satisfactory.

To also include the slug in the redirection (remember the slug in, I'll assume your post object contains metadata and post.slug and then we can do the redirection like this:

// ...
export function load({ params }) {
  let post = posts[]
  if (post) return post

  // Redirect from v1 to v2 id
  post = posts[v1_to_v2[]]
  if (post) redirect(308, `/${}/${post.slug}`)

  error(404, "Not found")
Created (6 months ago)

Smart tabs in 2024

There is an old little-used #emacs package for smart tabs. All the languages it supports:

(require 'smart-tabs-mode)
(smart-tabs-insinuate 'c 'c++ 'java 'javascript 'cperl 'python 'ruby 'nxml)
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook #'indent-tabs-mode)
(add-hook 'java-mode-hook #'indent-tabs-mode)
(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook #'indent-tabs-mode)
(add-hook 'cperl-mode-hook #'indent-tabs-mode)
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook #'indent-tabs-mode)
(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook #'indent-tabs-mode)
(add-hook 'nxml-mode-hook #'indent-tabs-mode)

Not much, is it? But that's ok, this way to do it has always been somewhat doomed.

Let's say you share a codebase with people on different platforms. It's not as if you can tell a VSCode person to install the above Emacs-Lisp package.

Autoformatters like gofmt do smart tabs for you these days, and when you can't mandate an autoformatter, the standard way to prevent chaos has been a "spaces only" rule. Maybe when we get an .editorconfig rule for smart tabs (issue 323), this can change?

(Once that's finalized, then Emacs is gonna need a new way more general smart-tabs-mode! Probably based on tree-sitter.)

As far as I can figure, "spaces only" must have been the pragmatic option since the dawn of computing, but maybe the innovations of tree-sitter and editorconfig finally make tabs a real option.

Someone points out that editorconfig's indent_style = tabs rule actually makes no sense if it's not smart tabs anyway, so it shouldn't exist. Makes you think who was using that rule before…

I.e. the choices are:

  • Spaces only: OK
  • Smart tabs: OK
  • Tabs only, used as "wide spaces" assuming they will be rendered at a specific width: no
Created (6 months ago)
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