Cognitive reframings
The following INEFFECTIVE prompts/questions usually lead my mind to generate oceans of silence:
- "Consider the implications."
- "What do you think?"
- "What did I do wrong?"
- "Why is (s)he unhappy?"
- …
By reframing the question, my mind can suddenly generate many answers.
"What did I do wrong?"-> "What would I do differently, if I move back in time and try again?""We don't have anything in common, what do I talk about with this friend?"-> "What if something has happened to him/her?" (this generates caring and then suddenly–)"I need to write about this topic but my mind draws a blank"-> "OK, what if I zoom in on [some tiny detail of it], what can I say about that?"
Avoid causing harm with your inner chatter🔗
- How to talk to someone with ADHD (also applies if you're the one with ADHD, talking to yourself)
- Don't "should" yourself; When you say "I should do X", you make it unpleasant both to do X and to not
- Don't think about something in a way that forms an ugh-field
A story about harmful inner chatter: Stuck in the Middle with Bruce. I think that story's more to do with impostor syndrome, Calvinism or aliefs rooted in the Law of Jante, than with #adhd, but it's a hell of a perspective.
Come to think, the concept of Bruce could be responsible for what I call Midas prioritization, in which case it's a huge part of (your) ADHD.
What links here
- Unlocking what the subconscious knows
- Rationality techniques
- How to be confused by fiction?
- Checklist for situation
(2 years ago)