Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829)

"Everything we know about plants and animals shall be a science. I shall name it biology."

  • Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres
  • Delimits and defines biology
  • Opens up for physiology, genetics, etc

Military service. Accident? Quit. French Revolution -> King died. …

All living things share some attributes. Metal doesn't share anything with us. Living things change over time, grow and die.

Got a partial idea of evolution, said that if giraffes stretch their necks to reach leaves, they might lengthen their necks and pass that characteristic on to their children.

Of course, giraffes are also spotted in appearance, and the idea that giraffes actively tried to be spotty was a difficult one to swallow. Darwin would solve that.

Jean Baptiste Lamarck

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Created (7 years ago)