The Andrew Wakefield case

The Andrew Wakefield case

Published a paper in 1998 in The Lancet about the mumps, measles and rubella (MMR) vaccine that linked it to a rising incidence of autism. In 2004, Sunday Times found that he had financial conflicts of interest and stood to earn $43M per year selling test kits. In 2010, he was found to have deliberately falsified the results. Paper was retracted from The Lancet and he was barred from practising medicine. In a related legal decision, a British court held that "there is now no respectable body of opinion which supports Mr. Wakefield's hypothesis".

As is natural for cult leaders, he stays in the cult today because that's the only place he gets respect. I think this is a problem with society. We should be able to forgive and return respect to those who admit their errors.

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