Golden ratio

Golden ratio


Turns out the golden ratio, commonly denoted φ, can be approximated to the precision you want with the Fibonacci sequence. Divide any number in it with the number that came before.

Observe, the Fibonacci sequence:

Number Ratio with preceding
1 1.000000000000000
2 2.000000000000000
3 1.500000000000000
5 1.666666666666667
8 1.600000000000000
13 1.625000000000000
21 1.615384615384615
34 1.619047619047619
55 1.617647058823529
89 1.618181818181818
144 1.617977528089888
233 1.618055555555556

So 8/5, also known as the monitor aspect ratio 16:10, is a crude approximation, but may be close enough for the human eye to the true golden ratio. With a couple more steps (21:13 or 34:21), it definitely is.

Created (3 years ago)