Don't write a To-Do list, write "things that excite you today", and next week (or month or whenever feels right) write another list of such things.
To-Do lists do not make sense for someone with ADHD. These suppose that the value of completing projects is sufficient to activate you. Be honest: that doesn't describe you. Maybe it even deactivates you (Ugh fields)!
I've often had the experience of putting something on a To-Do list and then wanting it less. I wanted it just fine up until it ended up in the list, and then it was a chore best ignored.
With executive dysfunction, your brain is motivated only by the journey, not the destination; the idea of engaging with the project has to feel fun right now. So ask yourself of a "To-Do" item: if it led to no destination, would it still be worth doing this activity, purely for the journey? If the answer is no, well, you can bet you won't end up doing this activity.
No matter how good the destination.
Then the absolute last thing to do is put it on a To-Do list for later, hoping that one of your future selves will be made of steel! I cannot imagine a less productive move. The longer it stays on that list, the more it dispirits you, until your self-esteem is in splinters.
Better it not be on the list at all.
It's like what Marie Kondo does with furniture and decor: each and every item should spark joy, else it goes. Apply the same to your action-list: everything on it should be sort of inspiring and exciting. With ADHD, if it doesn't feel fun, it can't be on the list, no matter how important. It just can't.
This is the time to be creative, not to double down on the myth of a future-self who's full of resolve.
Yes, there's a good chance you just forget about it if it's not on a list, but my theory: even taking that into account, omitting ToDos you don't like to think about increases the fraction of them that get done.
You have to accept you'll forget things, but the effect on your self-esteem is much better than to see yourself not doing things even though you remember about them. Roll with it! "I forget stuff and I refuse to feel bad about that".