Bach tried to make ugly music
- Good music not the same as pretty
- Bach often intended to make his music ugly
- Modern renditions prettify the music
"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." – Ezekiel 23:20
If you want steamy read about Lot, who after fleeing Sodom lived in the mountains with his 2 daughters who were approaching the age of infertility. so they both agreed to get their dad super drunk and then sleep with him so they could have babies
The daughter's children were named Moab and Ammon. Both were rival kingdoms/tribes to the Isrealites.
The story of Lot is literally just there to mock two other Kingdoms and to say their lineage was from incest.
People are always more willing to trust a machine over their brain. I went into a national sandwich chain (some years ago). Ordered my usual sandwich, and the amount rung up wasn't the usual amount. Looked up at the board, it didn't indicate a price change. Pointed out to the counter person that the machine was overcharging me.
"oh yea, there was a price increase" - I pointed at the price board (unchanged). "But thats not the price". I reminded them that they have to honor the posted price, unless they wanted to be charged with fraud.
What made it particularly amusing: The manager didn't have an override so he could charge me the correct amount. (apparently they couldn't just say "misc taxable $4.73", they could only push the specific item buttons). He had a bit of a clue, and gave me the thing free.
I am sure lots of people didn't notice, and overpaid. The only reason I noticed, was that it took the total from under $5 to over $5. I happened to hand over a $5, and thus expected a few cents change, not a request for another quarter. (had they updated the sign, and not just the computer, I would have handed over the extra without comment)
My approach: start from Emacs unless it's impossible.