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Book: Invisible Women

The generic male, e.g. "los" in Spanish – not only a formality. Yes, "everyone knows" women are included, but studies show that people overwhelmingly think of males. I got the impression these are pretty good studies too.

Languages come in three groups –

  1. those that weave gender into the language, like Spanish
  2. those that don't, but allow optionally specifying gender, like English and Swedish
  3. those where you can't say gender, like Finnish

Turns out that the most unequal societies belong to the first group, and the most equal belong to the second. The third may sound ideal, but they make it hard to correct for biases present in culture: in practice, because of the cultural default male, it's not like having the Spanish neologism "les", but like having the generic male "los" everywhere and lacking both "las" and "les".

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Created (2 years ago)

Minimalist Core Trick

You may not self-identify as a "minimalist", but its #1 lesson is general.

Here it is: Pick what to keep, not what to discard.

There's an 80/20 principle at work in most areas of life. For example, when decluttering, it's obvious which are the worst 20% and the best 20% of any collection, while the stuff in the middle takes effort to classify, sometimes extensive soul-searching.

If you try to declutter by looking specifically for "what you don't need", you'll wind up throwing away 20% and then of what's left, 20%, and then 20% of that, and so on.

Out of the original collection, the absolute fraction you keep slowly drops from 80% to 70% to 65%… in a process much slower than the opposite: picking out "what you definitely want to keep". Then right off the bat, the absolute fraction is down to 20%. This skips a lot of navel-gazing and soul-searching.

A different application: when cleaning your To-Do list, don't analyze each and every item, don't decide whether or not they still need doing. Just pick the few items you definitely, clearly need to do, copy them over to a new list, and forget about the rest.

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Created (2 years ago)


Components and props

Components are like functions: they accept inputs called "props" (short for "properties") and return React elements, which describe what should appear onscreen.

Two equivalent ways to define a component follow. Note that the only things needed for us to officially call it a component are the object input "props" and that they return a React element.

// A component
function Welcome(props) {
  return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;

// A component
class Welcome extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;


React recommends an extended Javascript syntax called JSX. A line of JSX can look like this:

const element = <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;

Instead of separating technologies by putting markup and logic in separate files, React separates concerns with loosely coupled units called “components” that contain both.

Babel compiles JSX down to React.createElement() calls.

These two examples are identical:

const element = (
  <h1 className="greeting">
    Hello, world!
const element = React.createElement(
  {className: 'greeting'},
  'Hello, world!'



Either use .tsx and enable jsx in your TypeScript compiler, or, stay with .jsx and write according to Flow markup instead of TypeScript.

Flow needs Babel to lint

React+Flow needs Babel if you want linting above and beyond what linting Flow itself provides.

ESLint's default parser and core rules only support the latest final ECMAScript standard and do not support experimental (such as new features) and non-standard (such as Flow or TypeScript types) syntax provided by Babel. babel-eslint is a parser that allows ESLint to run on source code that is transformed by Babel.

Note: You only need to use babel-eslint if you are using Babel to transform your code. If this is not the case, please use the relevant parser for your chosen flavor of ECMAScript (note that the default parser supports all non-experimental syntax as well as JSX).

Note that you need Babel anyway if using JSX syntax.

Fix Flow problems

In your Dockerfile:

# Fix Flow on Alpine:
CMD apk add gcompat

# So you can run `flow` instead of `./node_modules/.bin/flow`
ENV PATH /app/node_modules/.bin:$PATH


Some random import lines:

import React from 'react'
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';

The first line just imports the react library, which is essential to run a React app even if it doesn't appear as if we directly call any React method in the code(!); Babel expands the JSX pseudo-HTML snippets into React.createElement calls.

Importing './App.css' also may not appear to do anything, but it tells the bundler, webpack, to include it. And that is how you get away without having any sort of index.html!

(And what starts webpack in the first place? It's done from react-scripts start.)

Style guide

I found style guides like surprisingly enlightening as to how people actually use React in the wild. Such rules as "one React component per file" tell me something about how many stateful components are actually expected, for example.

Front-end and back-end

React.js is a front-end thing only. So you would not use npx create-react-app for the backend.

Client-side routing

Here is a reason to make a SPA (single-page app) with <Routes> instead of a multi-page app:

In traditional websites, the browser requests a document from a web server, downloads and evaluates CSS and JavaScript assets, and renders the HTML sent from the server. When the user clicks a link, it starts the process all over again for a new page.

Client side routing allows your app to update the URL from a link click without making another request for another document from the server. Instead, your app can immediately render some new UI and make data requests with fetch to update the page with new information.

This enables faster user experiences because the browser doesn't need to request an entirely new document or re-evaluate CSS and JavaScript assets for the next page. It also enables more dynamic user experiences with things like animation.

Client side routing is enabled by creating a Router and linking/submitting to pages with Link and <Form>:

Loading assets

NOTE: You do not need a webpack.config.js, React ships a config! (And if you want to edit webpack config, use CRACO.)

In React, they recommend you put assets in src/, the same directory you have your component code, and import them with a JS import statement. (

However, files can be imported as "raw", "file" or "url", and it auto-chooses a loader by looking at the filename extension, but that won't always be what you want.

As of [2023-03-14 Tue] they're working on a way to specify loader type ( In the meantime, put your asset in the public/ folder. (

GOTCHA: Your assets must be world-readable, i.e. chmod 644, not chmod 600! If it's 600, fetching an asset may get you a "403 Forbidden" response.

To fetch an asset located at public/, write:

fetch(process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '')

and rebuild the app.


GOTCHA: it seems you cannot pass react-use-cookie hooks instantiated in a parent component to its children. Instead, the children must make new calls to useCookie themselves. Think of it as if all components are always subscribed to a React Context for all cookies; use the cookie rather than passed props.

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  • Web-dev
Created (2 years ago)

Never clean your to-do list

OK, sometimes a todo list, project list or Someday/Maybe list accretes cruft that's no longer relevant. How will you clean it up in an effortless way?

Apply the Minimalist Core Trick. Simply reboot it. I.e. archive the current list and make a new empty list in its place. Then cut and paste whatever you still find interesting from the old list.

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  • 2024-06-06
Created (2 years ago)
Showing 437 to 440