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cl-loop beats map-keymap

Did you ever need to make many lookups or changes in #emacs key bindings, but balked at the complexity of programming with map-keymap?

Me too. Good news, you can skip that mess! There's a keyword in cl-loop that is much more human-friendly, and it's still blisteringly fast. It's been around since 1993, but I've found no blog posts about it.

There's a gotcha I want to tell you about, I'll get to that in a moment.

First, typical usage goes like this example:

(Behold! Lisp gone ugly!)

 for seq being the key-seqs of KEYMAP
 using (key-bindings cmd)
 as key = (key-description seq)
 do ...)

In the above loop, you'll get access to KEY and its bound command, CMD. And that brings me to the gotcha.

Here's what happened to me: if KEYMAP has many adjacent keys bound to the same command (which is typically either nil or self-insert-command), then (keymap-lookup KEYMAP key) will error out saying that this key is invalid. Some example values of key are SPC..~, ESC i..j, C-x (..*, \200..\377.

Yes, a string "SPC..~" is being provided as key. Can you guess what's going on?

I can't, but these seem to be ranges of keys. I think it might only happen in global-map, actually.

Filter them out with a simple (not (string-search ".." key)).

And it turns out there's a couple more more sanitizations you'll probably want.

  1. Command bindings that are actually nil.
  2. Command bindings that are actually lists of the form (menu-item ... ... ...). At least, I assume you have no interest in menu bindings.

Thus, sanitized form:

 for seq being the key-seqs of KEYMAP
 using (key-bindings cmd)
 as key = (key-description seq)
 when cmd
 when (not (string-search ".." key))
 when (or (not (listp cmd))
          (member (car cmd) '(closure lambda)))
 do ...)

If you're like me and never bind a key to a lambda, the third when can be simplified to just

when (not (listp cmd))

Warning for cleverness. You might think this could be

when (commandp cmd)

but many autoloaded commands won't satisfy commandp nor functionp until called the first time. At init time, they only positively satisfy symbolp.

Anyway, that's it! No more keeping mental track of subkeymaps nor the finer details of recursing into them!

Bonus: get all keys for the current buffer

OK great, we can unnest a single keymap variable (such as org-mode-map or global-map) and its children into a flat list of key seqs. But what about listing all the current buffer's keys, not just one mode-map's keys?

You know that any given key can usually be found several times in multiple keymaps, where it's bound to different commands. The current buffer has a sort of keymap composite calculated by merging all relevant keymaps. That composite is not stored as a variable anywhere.

Fortunately we can know which binding is correct for the current buffer thanks to the fact that (current-active-maps) seems to return maps in the order in which Emacs selects them. So what comes earlier in the list is what would in fact be used. Then we can run (delete-dups) to declutter the list, which likewise keeps the first instance of each set of duplicates.

Presto – list current buffer keys:

  for map in (current-active-maps)
  append (cl-loop
          for seq being the key-seqs of map
          using (key-bindings cmd)
          as key = (key-description seq)
          when cmd
          when (not (string-search ".." key))
          when (or (not (listp cmd))
                   (member (car cmd) '(closure lambda)))
          collect key)))

Bonus: get all keys and bindings for the current buffer

To list the keys together with their command bindings, we need a bit more complexity as delete-dups will not work. While we're at it, I'll throw in a key-valid-p check to represent a somewhat compute-heavy filter:

 for map in (current-active-maps)
 append (cl-loop
         for seq being the key-seqs of map
         using (key-bindings cmd)
         as key = (key-description seq)
         when cmd
         when (not (string-search ".." key))
         when (or (not (listp cmd))
                  (member (car cmd) '(closure lambda)))
         unless (assoc key map-bindings)
         unless (assoc key buffer-bindings)
         when (ignore-errors (key-valid-p key))
         collect (cons key cmd)
         into map-bindings
         finally return map-bindings)
 into buffer-bindings
 finally return buffer-bindings)

Uncompiled, this is somewhat slow (0.5 seconds on a Surface Pro 7 @ 1.1GHz). Compiled is faster, but we can also speed it up somewhat with caching. That trick really comes into its own when you want to filter the result with all sorts of inefficient checks; add your custom checks inside the defun seq-to-key-if-legal in the following snippet.

Final version!

(defvar legal-key-cache (make-hash-table :size 2000 :test #'equal))
(defun seq-to-key-if-legal (seq)
  (let ((cached-value (gethash seq legal-key-cache 'not-found)))
    (if (eq 'not-found cached-value)
        (puthash seq
                 (let ((key (key-description seq)))
                   (when (and
                          ;; Ignore menu-bar/tool-bar/tab-bar
                          (not (string-search "-bar>" key))
                          ;; All anomalies with ".." like "ESC 3..9" are bound
                          ;; to self-insert-command or nil, ok to filter out.
                          (not (string-search ".." key))
                          (ignore-errors (key-valid-p key)))

 for map in (current-active-maps)
 append (cl-loop
         for seq being the key-seqs of map
         using (key-bindings cmd)
         as key = (seq-to-key-if-legal seq)
         when (and key cmd)
         when (or (not (listp cmd))
                  (member (car cmd) '(closure lambda)))
         unless (assoc key map-bindings)
         unless (assoc key buffer-bindings)
         collect (cons key cmd)
         into map-bindings
         finally return map-bindings)
 into buffer-bindings
 finally return buffer-bindings)


Keymap-utils ships kmu-map-keymap which seems easier to use than the builtin map-keymap. Although it doesn't ship an explicit utility for buffer bindings. For that, you may be able to borrow which-key's which-key--get-current-bindings.

What links here

  • 2023-11-06
Created (16 months ago)
Updated (12 months ago)

TOML as default, YAML when you know you need it

Takeaways from:

In summary, YAML isn't actually sloppy #tech, but it's full of features that most people don't use. For example, you can write a value 1d6 and have that parsed as an object {number: 1, sides: 6}!

When you do have use for stuff like that, you'll know.

However… most uses of YAML/TOML/JSON files just have a program read in the data in a simplistic way to transform into a table or map object, end of story. You're not looking for any sophistications.

In that case, TOML serves better because fewer possibilities in syntax means it's able to give more specific error messages when the file is misformatted.

Created (12 months ago)

Design of this website

Some basic details in About.

Looking at, I realized I have some opinions on design philosophy too.

URLs shouldn't be too short

  • Look at the link – what is this monstrosity of a web address? No contextual information. If it had been named, I could recognize it as a page I've read before: "ah yeah, that's that page Sivers wrote about short URLs". With the ultra-short variant, I have to visit it before I can recognize that I've already been there and go back to wherever I was.
    • Sivers would respect my time better if the URL gave enough info for me to avoid clicking it! There's a design criterion.
    • Even is not a link I can recognize on sight. Single-word slugs are usually a bad idea, though is OK. It strains the limits of my pattern-matcher, but it matches.
      • For that particular page, the top domain luckily contributes to the meaning, as the page is literally about the design of, not about design in general.
      • A year from now, I might not recognize it, but it's night and day compared with, which takes me only an hour to forget. In the time I've been drafting this article I've been largely unaware of just what article that links to – I visit a few times for curiosity, but the association between the generic verb "destroy" and that article fades so quickly. "Qntm destroy what?" It doesn't complete to anything like a sentence.
      • The ideal slug is seen in URLs like, if we ignore for a moment the superfluous bits and bobs like the /posts/x4dG4GhpZH2hgz59x/ and the www. I prefer to handle links such as this. It's many years ago I visited this link, yet even after all that time, it's impossible to mistake. That feature, recognizability, trumps any length aesthetic.
        • Takeaway: slugs should be long and specific, maximizing recognizability.
    • You should have to click links as little as possible (my site is a rat's nest of hyperlinks only as far as it must be). The same theory underlies people like Gwern's efforts to contextualize links and generate preview pop-ups. I say, it helps a lot just having a descriptive URL in the first place.

Permanent page ID🔗

  • My URLs get a unique random ID before the descriptive slug, i.e., giving me full freedom to rename the slug part and split and merge pages. I couldn't live without that; almost all my pages have been renamed at least once, and some have been through a dozen renames.
    • When writing the notes for yourself only, it is possible to rely on a mass-renaming toolkit such as what orgrr provides. However, that does not keep alive your blog visitors' bookmarks.
      • To keep them alive, the toolkit would have to keep a record of all renames ever done, that you can translate into URL redirects…
    • My page ID is five alphabetic characters, sans vowels, all lowercase.
      • Example:
      • This implies a 21-character alphabet, or "base-21". Out of that alphabet, there are 4,084,101 ways to compose a five-char string, plenty for one person's homepage (How long page-IDs?).
        • The probability of collision is low but not effectively zero like with a proper UUID, but here's an advantage of a one-person one-machine system – when a collision occurs, I can just renew the ID.
      • Excluding vowels prevents accidentally generating words (and obscenities). It means I can have custom routes such as without worrying that there already exists an autogenerated ID "login".
      • Old mistake: Instead of alphabetic, it used to be base-62 i.e. the ID could include numbers and capital letters. I had links like and

        Use lowercase alphabetic! It nods to the fact that URLs are a user interface!

        Sometimes I want to send myself a link between devices, but I have to stop and think how to do that. (Do I email myself? Do I use the Share button?) If the URL is short, it's almost always faster and more comfortable to just type it. Right?

        Here base-62 comes into the picture and tramples my lawn, because phone keyboards—

Created (17 months ago)
Updated (13 months ago)
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