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Robert Oppenheimer (1904–1967)

After a bunch of people advised the USGov to build an atomic bomb, Oppenheimer was tasked with overseeing the project at Los Alamos. Seeing the first ever nuke go off, he regretted his participation, saying "I am become Death, destroyer of worlds".

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Ignaz Semmelweis (1818–1865)

Birthday: 1 July

Worked in Vienna, got child mortality down tenfold by requiring the surgeons to wash their hands. Regardless this was unpopular and he was forced to resign! He then worked in a town in Hungary and got the child mortality down tenfold there too, while the hospital in Vienna bounced back to its old mortality rate.

Semmelweiss never learned why washing your hands worked. He spent his life fighting authority, and died depressed. 1 July is Ignaz Semmelweiss Day.

338px-Ignaz Semmelweis 1860 2017-12-06 18-12-40

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