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Stimming hotkey

How to stop visiting random websites and make ADHD work for you? Idea: create a Stimming hotkey.

It's a nonjudgmental hotkey you can press at any time. Put it on the F5 key or somewhere.

What it does: deliver you a distraction, without expectations on you. It can be called repeatedly if the current distraction does not appeal to you.

It could be:

  • a random flashcard (here is an use of in-Emacs flashcards)
  • a random item from your Elfeed (Atom/RSS feeds)
  • a random book or web excerpt (if you have an incremental reading system)
  • a random book
  • a random web bookmark

Note that it should be carefully designed to avoid punishing you for anything. So when you decline to do a flashcard, it does not count as a fail. When you decline to continue reading an elfeed item (but may want to read it later), it won't mark the item as read. If you've jumped to a book and for whatever reason scrolled up from your last SavePlace point, it'll just restore that SavePlace point.

An alternative: actually use Anki's Incremental Reading add-on, with the recognition that it's just for stimming and needs not be a complete collection of everything you wish to read. So Anki is always open on a separate desktop & showing the IR deck.

What links here

  • My problem with org-fc, org-noter
Created (2 years ago)

Cognitive reframings

The following INEFFECTIVE prompts/questions usually lead my mind to generate oceans of silence:

  • "Consider the implications."
  • "What do you think?"
  • "What did I do wrong?"
  • "Why is (s)he unhappy?"

By reframing the question, my mind can suddenly generate many answers.


  • "What did I do wrong?" -> "What would I do differently, if I move back in time and try again?"
  • "We don't have anything in common, what do I talk about with this friend?" -> "What if something has happened to him/her?" (this generates caring and then suddenly–)
  • "I need to write about this topic but my mind draws a blank" -> "OK, what if I zoom in on [some tiny detail of it], what can I say about that?"

Avoid causing harm with your inner chatter🔗


A story about harmful inner chatter: Stuck in the Middle with Bruce. I think that story's more to do with impostor syndrome, Calvinism or aliefs rooted in the Law of Jante, than with #adhd, but it's a hell of a perspective.

Come to think, the concept of Bruce could be responsible for what I call Midas prioritization, in which case it's a huge part of (your) ADHD.

What links here

Created (2 years ago)

Fun Bible parts

"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." – Ezekiel 23:20

If you want steamy read about Lot, who after fleeing Sodom lived in the mountains with his 2 daughters who were approaching the age of infertility. so they both agreed to get their dad super drunk and then sleep with him so they could have babies

The daughter's children were named Moab and Ammon. Both were rival kingdoms/tribes to the Isrealites.

The story of Lot is literally just there to mock two other Kingdoms and to say their lineage was from incest.

What links here

Created (2 years ago)

Why cash?

People are always more willing to trust a machine over their brain. I went into a national sandwich chain (some years ago). Ordered my usual sandwich, and the amount rung up wasn't the usual amount. Looked up at the board, it didn't indicate a price change. Pointed out to the counter person that the machine was overcharging me.

"oh yea, there was a price increase" - I pointed at the price board (unchanged). "But thats not the price". I reminded them that they have to honor the posted price, unless they wanted to be charged with fraud.

What made it particularly amusing: The manager didn't have an override so he could charge me the correct amount. (apparently they couldn't just say "misc taxable $4.73", they could only push the specific item buttons). He had a bit of a clue, and gave me the thing free.

I am sure lots of people didn't notice, and overpaid. The only reason I noticed, was that it took the total from under $5 to over $5. I happened to hand over a $5, and thus expected a few cents change, not a request for another quarter. (had they updated the sign, and not just the computer, I would have handed over the extra without comment)

Created (2 years ago)
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