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Taking ownership of org-id


Let's say most of your Org files sit in a folder /home/kept/notes/ but some others are outside, scattered here and there, plus you'd like to try not depending on Org-roam's M-x org-roam-update-org-id-locations all the time.

The challenges with org-id:

  1. The classic way to tell it where to look for IDs is adding the directories to org-agenda-files.
    • Unfortunately with thousands of files, this slows down the agenda something extreme. Not an option.
  2. An alternative way is to populate org-id-extra-files or org-agenda-text-search-extra-files.
    • See snippet A below.
      • Unfortunately with thousands of files, this slows down M-x customize-group for either org-id or org-agenda, to a grinding halt.
  3. To sidestep the small problem with #2, you could trust in org-id to keep itself updated, because it does that every time your Emacs creates or searches for an ID. You regenerate org-id-locations once (or well, once every time you wipe .emacs.d). See snippets B or C.
  4. org-id complains about duplicate IDs because it's also looking in e.g. the versioned backups generated by Logseq
    • So, you need some sort of exclusion ruleset.
      • For an elisp-only way, see snippets A or B.
      • A natural way is to obey .ignore or .gitignore, if you already keep such files. I've found no elisp gitignore parser, but see snippet C for a way to use ripgrep's builtin parser.
    • Why org-roam didn't give you this problem? If I'm reading the source code right, it has actually been suppressing org-id errors!

Snippet A

;; Populate `org-id-extra-files'
(dolist (file (mapcan (lambda (dir)
                        (directory-files-recursively dir "\\.org$"))
                      '(;; Example values
  (or (string-search "/logseq/bak/" file)
      (string-search "/logseq/version-files/" file)
      (string-search ".sync-conflict-" file)
      (push file org-id-extra-files)))

;; Then either run M-x org-id-update-id-locations or restart Emacs.

Snippet B

;; Populate org-id without setting `org-id-extra-files'.  Only do it if
;; `org-id-locations' is gone.
(when (or (and (not (file-exists-p org-id-locations-file))
               (null org-id-locations))
          (if (null org-id-locations)
            (if (listp org-id-locations)
                (null org-id-locations)
              (hash-table-empty-p org-id-locations))))
   (seq-remove (lambda (file)
                 (or (string-search "/logseq/bak/" file)
                     (string-search "/logseq/version-files/" file)
                     (string-search ".sync-conflict-" file)))
               (mapcan (lambda (dir)
                         (directory-files-recursively dir "\\.org$"))
                       '(;; Example values

Snippet C

;; Populate org-id without setting `org-id-extra-files'. Only do it if
;; `org-id-locations' is gone.
(when (or (and (not (file-exists-p org-id-locations-file))
               (null org-id-locations))
          (if (null org-id-locations)
                   (if (listp org-id-locations)
                       (null org-id-locations)
                     (hash-table-empty-p org-id-locations))))
  (dolist (default-directory '(;; Example values
    ;; Borrow ripgrep's ability to obey .ignore/.gitignore
     (split-string (shell-command-to-string "rg -ilt org :ID:") "\n" t))

Bonus snippet: full reset

;; FOR TESTING: wipe all records
;; You ONLY need to wipe if it won't shut up about duplicates!
  (delete-file org-id-locations-file)
  (setq org-id-locations nil)
  (setq org-id--locations-checksum nil)
  (setq org-agenda-text-search-extra-files nil)
  (setq org-id-files nil)
  (setq org-id-extra-files nil))

Sudden amnesia

Every time your Emacs quits unexpectedly, it can forget many ID locations! To ensure it remembers, either use a hook like

(add-hook 'after-save-hook
 (defun my-save-id-soon ()
   (run-with-idle-timer 10 nil #'org-id-locations-save)))

or enable persist-state and add the hook

(add-hook 'persist-state-saving-functions
          (lambda ()
            (when (fboundp 'org-id-locations-save)

Final fix

All these issues go away now that I let org-node populate ID locations for me, via its user option org-node-extra-id-dirs.

Created (9 months ago)

Nested notes enable folgezettel (note-sequences)


The packages zk, orgrr and denote mandate the rule of "one note per file". So how do they do note-sequences?

Well. In orgrr, you'd manually give special IDs to notes that should be parts of sequences, and then use commands like orgrr-show-sequence to work with them.

In org-roam, which permits nested notes, you'd just have a series of headings in a single file… you know, a conventional org-mode file.

I like that better. You can export it to PDF or HTML. There are ways to isolate and export a subtree from one file, but it's not as convenient (yet) to tell Org to concatenate multiple whole files and export them as one.

I suppose zk/orgrr/denote users could use org-transclusion to get the same effect.

Multiple sequences?

Hm… the concept of orgrr-show-sequence has merit. Nesting org-roam nodes only gives you one sequence. What if you want a node to be part of several?

For example, say you have a node about Isaac Newton, which could be part of both a Philosophy sequence and a Math sequence.

Well, you could have a "Math" note that transcludes all other math notes, and a "Philosophy" note that transcludes all the philosophy notes. And that works whether you use orgrr or org-roam. But yea, org-roam's ability to nest nodes suddenly became less important.

What links here

Created (10 months ago)
Updated (9 months ago)

Problem: Eshell assumes no multiline prompt


  • eshell-bol
    • Try typing M-p (eshell-previous-matching-input-from-input) on a multiline prompt. The misbehavior is because that function above does not handle multilines
  • eshell-prompt-initialize
    • It disregards the Custom variable eshell-skip-prompt-function, overriding it in favor of the builtin eshell-skip-prompt, which does not handle multilines
  • Probably other things

What links here

Created (9 months ago)


Suppose you wanted to maximize consensus, so you have consensus-based democracy instead of winner-takes-all democracy.

What if you had a system whereby

  • the entire population pairs up randomly for one-on-one dialogue
  • once a pair reaches some consensus/compromise, the pair agree on who will speak for them both on stage 2
  • on stage 2, we're down to half the population, right? this half pairs up and repeats the process
    • and perhaps the speakers-for-the-pair are accompanied by their counterpart, who just listens to check that the speaker is not misrepresenting their consensus

What links here

  • Democracy
Created (9 months ago)
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