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Akaike Information Criterion

Bayesian methods, #statistics

Reasons for information criteria can be found in a book Information Theory and Statistics by Kullback. Explains well.

True model yi = 1 + x0.1 - x2 0.2 …

Various models (hundreds, thousands) ∑ …

Choose model by best (smallest) AIC/BIC/DIC/WAIC.

AIC = D train + 2p

AIC is an approximation that is reliable only when: (1) The priors are flat or overwhelmed by the likelihood. (2) The posterior distribution is approximately multivariate Gaussian. (3) The sample size N is much greater than the number of parameters k.

Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion

Like AIC, you can rank models by WAIC. But a more interpretable measure is an Akaike weight. The weight for a model i in a set of m models is given by

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where dWAIC is the difference between each WAIC and the lowest WAIC, i.e. dWAIC = WAICi - WAICmin.

Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV)

New kid on the block, around 2020 it was the best (for which situations?).

Created (3 years ago)



An estimator is a rule for estimating a given quantity based on observed data.

Example estimators: error, MSE, sampling deviation, bias, best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE), minimum-variance unbiased estimator (MVUE), maximum a posteriori (MAP).

A consistent estimator, AKA asymptotically consistent estimator, is one which converges to the correct value even if it has bias initially, with enough samples.

A biased estimator is one where the expected value and true value are different.

If an unbiased estimator converges on any value, it means the estimator must be consistent. In other words, there is no such thing as an unbiased inconsistent estimator, but there are unbiased estimators that do not converge. Schoolbook examples of this are such dead-stupid estimators as x = Xn, which never takes the whole array X1,2,3… into account, only the latest observation and naturally that does not converge to any kind of average, but it unbiasedly estimates the latest observation.


Created (3 years ago)


Related to the word "eloquent".

In Ancient Greece, rhetoric was not considered very separate from poetry. Gorgias (483–375 BCE) is famous for his "Gorgian figures": antitheses and other wordplays (elocutio) (same root as the word "gorgeous"?). The aesthetic enjoyment (terpsis) was one of the goals of speaking well, beside convincing. The interest in this rose after the fall of democracy in Rome, which could be explained by the lessened importance of convincing anyone and more in being seen as impressive.

Stilistiska kvaliteter



Korrekt latin




Konstfull satsbyggnad

Enhetligstilistisk karaktär

Undvika återkommande vokalmöten, bokstäver, omflyttningar och utdragenhet



Style level🔗

Väljer du formell eller informell stil?

Figura gravis, upphöjd stil (men inte uppblåst)

Figura mediocris, mellanstil (men inte utan styrsel)

Figura extenusta, enkel stil (men inte torftig)


What links here

Created (3 years ago)

Eighteen traditional fallacies

Here is a list of eighteen "traditional" fallacies. IDK where my teacher got it from.

  • Argumentum ad hominem - personangrepp
  • Argumentum ad baculum - hotelseargument
  • Argumentum ad populum - hänvisning till folket
  • Argumentum ad consequentiam - det sluttande planet
  • Argumentum ad verecundiam
  • Argumentum ad misericordiam
  • Argumentum ad ignorantiam - apell till okunskap
  • Post hoc ergo propter hoc
  • Secundum quid
  • Non causa pro causa
  • Cirkelargument
    • Latin: petitio principii, "the question of the first question".
  • Halmdockan
  • Inkonsistens
  • Falsk analogi
  • Sammansättningsfallasi
  • Delningsfallasi
  • Equivocation
  • Villospår - Ignoratio elenchi
  • Falsk dikotomi

What links here

Created (3 years ago)
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