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Cognitive science

What's the difference between cogsci and psychology?🔗

Behold the Wikipedia answer: "Cogsci is the study of the mind" and "Psychology is the study of the mind".


Psychology studies "emergent" properties of the mind: feelings, beliefs etc, and how these influence behavior.

Cogsci as a field seems to take a more reductionistic approach to roughly the same topic. It's broad in scope and takes input from psychology as well as linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, computer science, AI, and anthropology. But I think psychology also takes input from linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy and anthropology?

However. A Freudian-style hypothesis like "You seek men that remind you of your father because you didn't feel fulfilled in childhood, blah blah…" slots into the field of psychology, and not much into cogsci. Cogsci does not tend to go down to such an object level on how feelings and beliefs interact, not while treating them as indivisible things.

Psychology is related to psychotherapy (therapy-based help) and somewhat to psychiatry (drug-based help). Psychology is an academic discussion that identifies and describes problems people have, and speculates about the possible causes, and then psychotherapy and psychiatry are the fields that develop toolkits for fixing these.

Whereas cognitive science … ? Screw it, I still can't pin down the difference.

Maybe their histories shed some light on it. Psychology started with Freud AFAIK, while I have the impression that cogsci started with Kahneman & Tversky's research into heuristics & biases, and is more interested in "small" hypotheses that involve equations, such as Piers Steel's Procrastination Equation.

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Created (3 years ago)

Bullet journaling

Discovered by a person with #ADHD.

— Write all notes in list format
— Un-actionable stuff is marked by a hyphen
· Actionable stuff (To-Dos) are marked by a bullet
X To mark a To-Do as finished, cross out its bullet
> To indicate that you've moved a To-Do to a later
  date, turn the bullet into this
— You can "neutralize" a To-Do by striking it out
  so it's a hyphen
— Before deciding whether or not a thought is
  actionable, you can just draw a bullet at first,
  and turn it into a hyphen after writing out the
  text and realizing it's non-actionable.

20 Jan
— Every day starts a new list, like this.
— You only skim back on past pages to find
  uncompleted To-Dos
— You also have "month overview" pages or half-year
  overviews( ??? read more)
Created (3 years ago)

Sourcing bicycle parts

Bicycle things that must typically be bought anew (hard to find at junkyards)

  • chain
  • brake wire
  • bar tape
  • oil
  • cleaning supplies
  • rust treatment and new paint

Bicycle parts that would be great to hoard

  • tube valve parts
  • nuts and screws in common sizes
  • any little parts

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Created (3 years ago)

Joint probability distribution


Given random variables X,Y,…, a JPD is the distribution that gives the probability that each of X,Y,… fall in any particular range. In the case of only two random variables, this is called a bivariate distribution, which can be visualized three-dimensionally; with more, it is a multivariate distribution.

Much like any probability distribution, the input is a sample space and the output is a probability, and it can be expressed either in terms of a joint PDF or a joint CDF. These can in turn be used to find the marginal distribution for any specific variable, and the conditional distribution giving the probs for any subset of the variables conditional on particular values of the remaining variables.

What links here

Created (3 years ago)
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