Timeline of events
- ~900 Black powder
- 1440 Printing press
- ~1460 Firearms
- Cristoforo Colombo finds the West Indies
- 1543 Heliocentric model re-proposed
- 1604 Kepler realizes that planets orbit in elliptical routes
- Newton
- 1698 First commercial steam engine
- 1775-83 American Revolution
- 1789-99 French Revolution
- 1796 Edward Jenner discovers the vaccine
- 1839 First Opium War
- ~1840 Electrical telegraphs supersede semaphores
- 1842 General anaesthesia
- 1847 Semmelweis discovers the benefit of hygiene
- 1859 Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species
- 1861-65 USA civil war
- 1868 Edo Period ends
- 1869 Dmitri Mendeleev creates modern periodic table of elements
- 1882 Start of electrically lighting streets and homes
- 1903 Radiation discovered
- 1905 Einstein publishes relativity theory
- 1910 Russell's Principia Mathematicia
- 1913 Bohr model of atoms
- ~1914 Last use of metal breastplates
- 1917 October Revolution
- 1919 Eddington confirms that light bends, thus the relativity theory
- 1919 Treaty of Versailles
- 1920 Commercial radio
- 1927 Heisenberg uncertainty principle
- 1927 Fifth Solvay Conference (quantum physics widely recognized around now)
- 1927-49 Chinese Civil War
- 1930 Karl Landsteiner discovers blood types, allowing safe blood transfusion
- ~1930 wider use of null-hypothesis significance testing
- 1931 Gödel's incompleteness theorems
- 1957 Everett's Many-Worlds Interpretation
- 1958 European Communities
- 1960 McCarthy discovers Lisp
- 1968 Quarks found
- 1969 ARPANET created
- Transition from teletypes to storage-tube monitors
- 1974 Kahneman & Tversky publishes Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases
- 1980 First clinically useful MRI image
- 1990 Markov chain Monte Carlo
- 1991 Kahle & Berners-Lee create WWW
- 1991 Soviet Union dismantled
- 1993 European Union
- 1993 Eternal September
What links here
Carl Sagan parable: dragon in garage. Someone claims they have one. Fascinating—let's set out for it at once!
Sagan's moral: fast footwork
Eliezer's moral: there's a correct model of reality somewhere in their head
Not all beliefs are direct anticipations.
But they have consequences which are anticipations, if they're rational. But many ppl keep a pool of propositional beliefs from which they don't demand rent, that can contradict each other. The virtue of empiricism is a countermeasure. Anyway, there's no answer to "but what do they really believe?" because minds are tangled.
What links here
- Human heuristics, biases and fallacies
- Teaching examples used by Yudkowsky
- Belief in Belief
- "It's raining outside but I don't believe it is"
Asch's Conformity Experiment
Subjects were shown four lines, roughly like this, and asked to judge which of A,B,C are the same size as X.
X ----
A --------- B ---- C ------
The kicker is that subjects were seated in a group of fellow subjects – actually confederates of Asch – who each gave the answer C, until the real subject, seated next-to-last, was called to give their answer.
As you can guess, the ratio of people who answered C in conformity with the others was too damn high.
Some notes on interpreting this experiment.
- The subjects could have been optimizing for the social aspect of "not sticking out".
- Even if there was no social aspect, we can't clear-cut say that the subjects responded incorrectly. After all, they believed their fellow subjects were being honest, and they shouldn't put so much higher a confidence on their own ability to judge visual sizes, over others' ability to judge visual sizes. Others' judgments do constitute evidence, though it must have felt terribly confusing.
- (If you find yourself in a similar position: the feeling of confusion is your hint to completely re-evaluate the circumstances. Think outside the box and you may realize that your fellow subjects' answers make perfect sense if they're not fellow subjects!)
- Sans time to think, it may make sense to assign >50% probability to the majority vote. It's not the same as saying you actually visually assess C as longer, it's merely saying "well, B still looks right to me, but I have no reason to believe that my assessment is better than yours." It can be a honest attempt to give the correct answer.
To hash out how much the above factors were involved, scientists did replications, variations and meta-analyses. They found:
- The conformity effect increases strongly up to 3 confederates, but doesn't increase further up to 10-15 confederates (more was not tried).
- If you were using the others' judgments as evidence, this is strictly irrational. The weight of 15 confederates' judgments should influence your judgment more than the weight of 3.
- Adding a single dissenter, sharply reduces conformity. No matter if the dissenter says A or B, the subject feels much more free to break with the consensus on C. This effect is present regardless of whether the others number 3 or 15.
- If you were using the others' judgments as evidence, this is strictly irrational. When there are 15 confederates, it should take 5 dissenters for the same effect as when there's 1 dissenter among 3, yet it seems 1 is all that's needed regardless.
- Here's a lever by which an individual – you – can influence masses of people. Simply be the first dissenter, freeing up others to also break consensus.
- If you were using the others' judgments as evidence, this is strictly irrational. When there are 15 confederates, it should take 5 dissenters for the same effect as when there's 1 dissenter among 3, yet it seems 1 is all that's needed regardless.
What links here
- Famous studies
- Cognitive science
- *Asch's Conformity Experiment